80s Find and ggsdolls Tees!!

Hello fellow collectors, I hope you all are having a great start to 2019?! It’s been a busy week with cleaning the guesthouse for the next tenants and finding online kitschy cute stuff!! Here’s what I discovered the past week…

Day After Christmas…

Oh my goodness, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas?! Mine was simple, and very special too! I woke up early as usual and realized that I hadn’t put the ‘Santa’ present under the tree?! What!!! Yup. It was already 6:17am. So, I didn’t bother putting on my glasses and rushed out to tape […]

Christmas Ornament Finds, ETC!

Christmas is just around the corner! So, I decided to add a few vintage ornaments to my collection and here’s what came in…

Happy December Finds!!

Oh my, this whole year has come and gone so quickly… Many amazing and wondrous things I’ve found, new experiences, and lots of learning along the way! Gosh, when I look back at all the amazing finds, I think this year has been quite unique compared to others. I’ve come a long way, and must […]

Small Finds

It was a really good holiday weekend and I’m ready to get back into the week. Here are a few small things I found that came in the past weekend and today…

Restoring Some Cuties…

The pass few days, I’ve been working on restoration projects of some items I got in the mail. It’s been very therapeutic actually. Definitely meditative at some points, and a joy to see something that was damaged or needing TLC, get a fresh look or hopefully an upgrade or just plain put back together! Here’s […]

IG Trade and Other Goodies

IG friends are amazing! I saw that one of my fellow collector friends had this cutie, she found from one of her weekend flea market trips. I thought for sure, I’d miss her sale if she had this one up. But instead, my sis was able to talk with her and we made a trade! […]